Sunday, January 12, 2014

Saturday Check In

We are all so thankful around here to have Ryan's double ear infection behind us. That was no fun. It's amazing how much better your weekend is when you don't have a 21 month old crying and clinging to you for all of it. He's still my cuddle-bug and loves to spend all his time in my lap or arms, but the horror and the trauma is mostly gone.

He's gotten very used to having pink amoxacillin (also known to Ryan as "candy") mixed with milk in his bottles. In fact, when I handed him a bottle with white milk in it the other day, he looked very puzzled and asked, "Where candy go?"

Unfortunately, since the ear infection incident, he hasn't been a great sleeper. Usually, he is every mother's dream sleeper. For naps and bedtime, I usually just plop him onto the bottom bunk, give him a kiss, and he's set. Since last weekend, however, he refuses to fall asleep on his own and wakes up at least once a night. The past two nights, we brought him into our bed in the middle of the night. I totally thought I was ready for another baby. Then stuff like this happens, and I start to question myself whether I'm ready to handle more sleepless nights. This afternoon, to get him to nap, I had to sit by his bed for 45 minutes as he slowly and painstakingly drifted off to sleep. Not. Cool.

Other than that, Ryan is his usual funny and vocal self. He says so many sentences, and they usually catch me off guard. Whenever I take a picture of him, he tells me, "wanna see it." When Jacob is playing with something he often tells Jacob, "wanna try it." Then there is always, "stop it!" We hear this one a lot.

He likes to narrate things and name every item he sees. When we're watching TV, he frequently utters long strings of the random things he sees. "Mama, tree! Car! Book! Ball! Cat! Bike! Car! Mama, Pizza!" As we were watching the news today, they shot to a clip of Seahawk player Marshawn Lynch. Ryan saw him and said, "Mama, Lynch!" It could be that Lynch is the only Seahawk he knows. Or, he could be the world's most devoted 21 month old Seahawks fan. I prefer to believe the latter.

This is the new favorite way to eat Ryan calls it, "staw in yogurrrrr."

My husband took Jacob to his first of a series of swimming classes this morning. It was completely my husband's idea to sign him up. And signing up for the 10 am Saturday class was also my husband's doing. So I let him have the pleasure of getting Jacob to said class. Jacob loves the water and is pretty proficient for his age. For the most part, he can doggy paddle (although not for too long). But his favorite swimming activities are jumping in the water and dunking his head.

Apparently, Jacob was pretty cocky during his first class. When the teacher asked the kids to jump in the pool towards him, Jacob exclaimed, "Oh that's easy. I can already do that!" He volunteered first for most all activities. And when it came time for Jacob to jump in, he even asked the teacher to step back farther! My husband said he was cracking up the entire class watching Jacob talk back to the instructor as if they were equals...just hanging out and swimming in a pool. If he is anything, Jacob sure is gregarious. Apparently he does not share my paralyzing fear for authority figures.

We are a little worried he might get bored in the class but because he can't swim on his back yet, the instructor wanted to keep him at this swimming level. I'm in no rush to move him forward. I want him to learn all the basics really well and become very comfortable in the water (I never was). It can't hurt to give him a little boost in self-confidence either.

Playing together (nicely- a rare event)

Later in the day, a couple friends stopped by to the watch the first Seahawks' playoff game. We committed to taking touchdown shots. Luckily, the Seahawks ended up winning with more field goals than touchdowns. This was good for two reasons: (1) a bottle of fireball doesn't stretch very far between eight people, and (2) my liver is still recovering from New Year's Eve.

Seahawks family!

After the game we went out to a kid-friendly little pub for some celebratory drinks. We had a very nice time (at first). Jacob was happy playing pinball and Ryan sat contently on my lap as we all chatted. Then, out of no where, Jacob sat down on his chair in silence and declined my offer for more quarters to play pinball (very unlike him). Within minutes he was tugging at his ear and telling us that it hurt. Ten minutes later, he was practically screaming from pain. We cut our outing short and came right home. After some Tylenol and cartoons, my husband and I shipped the kids to bed and had our own date night on the couch. Looks like we get to go to urgent care tomorrow to deal with another ear infection, so....yay.

Before Jacob started complaining about his ear, my friends and I had been talking about going out for a night of dancing. As much fun as it sounded, I really wanted to come home with my husband and watch the next couple episodes of a new show we are watching. So when Jacob started to feel bad, I secretly sighed in relief. I hate using kids as an excuse to not do things. But sometimes, it's nice to have an out (as long as you don't over-use it).

My husband and I started watching the show Justified this week. We started Monday night and completed all of Season One by Friday. Basically I have been talking in a southern accent all week and re-discovering an old crush (Timonthy Olyphant from dreamy). I'm totally absorbed and obsessed with this show. Which may explain why I wore my cowboy boots to work on casual Friday. There's something about cowboys. Ever since I was 8 I've wanted to be a cowgirl. Now, I'm just content to sit on my couch and  drool over cowboys on TV.

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