Tuesday, May 27, 2014

It's A....

I'm not big on gender reveal parties. Personally, I'm all for finding out at the ultrasound and then calling people to let them know. You know, the old school way. But my sister-in-law wanted to make cupcakes for a gender reveal get-together. And since this may be our last baby, I decided, "what the heck!"

I was amazed at the self restraint I showed today. My ultrasound was first thing in the morning. At first baby did not cooperate. I had the strength to look away from the ultrasound screen during all five of the technician's attempts to determine the baby's sex. Then I had the willpower not to rip open the sealed envelope (and replace it with a new envelope). I did hold it up to the light but the technician had cleverly covered the photo with multiple post-it notes (urrg!).

Then I waited ALL DAY LONG as each hour cruelly ticked by ever so slowly. The clock eventually struck five and I zoomed out the door for dinner at my sister-in-law's place where I sat patiently through dinner and held back the urge to rummage through her trash (hunting for frosting colors) or secretly dissect a cupcake when no one was looking.

Finally dinner was done and it was time. I was handed a carefully frosted cupcake. I had no idea what to expect or what the future held for our family. After all the build up, I almost didn't want to know. I didn't want to break the spell. I liked the idea of open possibilities.

When I took a bite and saw the color of the cupcake filling, I smiled a knowing smile. My heart was beaming. I had been open to the idea of either sex and was so in love with whoever this baby happened to be. But as soon as I saw the color of that filling, I was overcome with happiness and oddly, a little relieved. That's when I knew it's what my heart had secretly been hoping for all along. And I couldn't imagine my family any other way.

Boy or Girl?

I am so incredibly happy to be the mother of three BOYS!
But I guess Jacob wanted a girl. Ha ha.



  1. How does this work? How to the cupcakes tell you the gender?

  2. Congratulations! The boys are going to have so many great adventures together :)

  3. I love this!! I was dying when you posted the photos early in the day, I still can't believe you managed to hold out all day long.
